We develop Apps to help Artists and Photographers sell more.
We Enable People To View Art At Home Prior To Purchase through Augmented Reality.
If You Are Interested, Here Is What We Offer:

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About Us
WallARy reflects an new approach to how people can view art prior to purchase throught Augmented Reality (AR).
The biggest obsticle to buy Art Online is that potential buyers are unsure if the artwork really fits to their home. 94% of the people asked by HISCOX in their study about the Online Art market said they wish to have more detailied information on the object.
Our goal is to help people decide which picture or artwork they want for their home.
WallARy App Statistic
50k + downloads, 1.000 + daily USers
Only 5 month after launch wallARy reached 50k + downloads with over 200% increase per month on average.
Target Group
wallARy users on average are 25-45 and interested in interior design, photograpy and art.
wallARy app has been already featured by Apple as „App we Love“ and „Recommendation of the week“ in 9 different countries. Its currently ranked among Top 50 Livestyle Apps.
iOS & Android
WallARy App is availibel on Apples App Store and Google Play Store.
wallARy App Statistics
WallARy App uses Augmented Reality to show users their favorite photos or artwork in their home. Only 5 month after launch wallARy belongs already to the TOP 50 Livestyle Apps.

50k + downloads, 1.000 + daily USers
Only 5 month after launch wallARy reached 50k + downloads with over 200% increase per month on average.

Target Group
wallARy users on average are 25-45 and interested in interior design, photograpy and art.

wallARy app has been already featured by Apple as „App we Love“ and „Recommendation of the week“ in 9 different countries. Its currently ranked among Top 50 Livestyle Apps.

iOS & Android
WallARy App is availibel on Apples App Store and Google Play Store.
„Hello wallARy Team, thank you so much. The app has inspired me from the beginning“
Dirk, Photographer
„Hi guys, I love everthing about the app. It has amazing potential for helping me sell art.“
Sandi Baker, Artist
„Ever wonder what a picture would look like in your home before you buy it? Here is a FREE app to help you with that. Thanks wallARy.“
M Brandt, Photo & Art
„Ever wonder what a picture would look like in your home before you buy it? Here is a FREE app to help you with that. Thanks wallARy.“
M Brandt, Photo & Art
„Hi guys, I love everthing about the app. It has amazing potential for helping me sell art.“
Sandi Baker, Artist
„Hello wallARy Team, thank you so much. The app has inspired me from the beginning“
Dirk, Photographer
Already know what you want?
How can we help you? Please contact us with whatever idea you have on your mind. We will be listening.